CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY Within our setting, we follow a strict code of confidentiality to which all staff members adhere. All records are kept in a locked cabinet and all information about others within the group (both adults and children alike) is treated as confidential. If we need to speak to a parent, they are brought into the setting away from the other parents as we will not speak about personal matters in front of others. PERSONAL HYGIENE: Every child is encouraged to wash his/her hands before joining in with any cooking activity, before eating a snack and every time he/she uses the toilet. |
CLOTHING We encourage children to wear suitable clothing and footwear to the setting. Whilst we make every effort to provide plastic overalls for particularly messy activities, we cannot guarantee that a child will actually wear them. We have a supply of T shirts, polo shirts & sweatshirts with the Bright Sparks logo for sale. Please see a member of staff if interested in purchasing any. We encourage children to gain the skills that help them to be independent and look after themselves. These include taking themselves into the toilet and putting on/taking off outdoor clothes. Clothing that is easy for them to manage will help them to achieve this. PERSONAL POSSESSIONS: Any toys brought from home are the owner’s responsibility. Toys/items from home will be kept in a special box or on a special table and the children will be asked not to touch them until “show & tell time” at the end of the session. We try to discourage children from bringing in any toy weapons. |